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Yeung Hok Tak 楊學德 

Tak, Yeung Hok Tak started his comics career via publishing comics in Cockroach quarterly comic magazine in 1998.  His debut personal graphic novel ‘How Blue was my Valley’, was published in 2002, had received much applause and attention from the local and international comic scenes. The French edition was published in 2007.  From 2004 onward, his weekly comics section ‘Biu Tung Wa Jap’, aka "The Psychic's fairy tales" had been collected and published in book format for six issues, so as his other two books of comic strip ‘Bak Gwei Kat Cheung’, aka "Cool blooded theatre". His debut solo exhibition Mad Script was held in 2008 in Hulahoop gallery. In 2010, Tak contributed as art director of  animation movie ‘Mcdull: The pork of music’ a renowned animation series of Hong Kong. In 2013, Tak and Mel Stringer from Australia, were invited to a joint exhibition held at the Foil gallery, Kyoto, Japan. ‘Meltak show’ was curated by Yoshitomo Nara. In March, 2015, he had his first silk screen print-making exhibition, ‘Pop Up Press’, curated by Hong Kong Open Printshop. In March, 2016, his second solo painting exhibition, ‘The harbour’, was held at the art gallery of Harbour City Hong Kong, resulted in great success. In November, second exhibition Victorian Blues held in My place My rules, art space in Taipei.

楊學德,在香港土生土長。98年開始在曱甴漫畫期刋連載漫畫,開展漫畫生涯。2002年出版首部個人漫畫集《錦繡藍田》廣受關注,從此在香港漫畫界留下注腳; 法文版在2007出版。其後繼續出版六册《標童話集》及二册《不軌劇場》等漫畫集。2008年舉辦首個個人畫作展覽《狂草展》和畫集《狂草集》。2010年擔任本地著名動畫電影《麥兜噹噹伴我心》的美術指導。 期後專注繪畫創作,2013年由奈良美智策展,跟澳洲藝術家Mel Stringer 於日本京都Foil Gallery作聯合畫展Meltak show。2016年三月在香港海港城畫廊舉辦第二次個人畫作展覽《海港》,十一月再往臺北舊香居藝術空間展出《維多利亞式的藍─楊學德畫展》。

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