《蔬果説話》,包括了梁秉鈞在《蔬果説話》 詩系列裡面〈青菜沙律〉與及李家昇在《香港點》其中252張照片。這個詩與影象對話版本是香港文化博物館在2004年舉行的《香港食境詩》展覽的其中裝置作品。這個作品以印刷物的形式出現,開本5.5乘5.5吋,288頁。500冊無編號版本作為《香港食境詩》展覽的部份裝置。
"The Language of Fruits and Vegetables" was a collaboration piece between Leung Ping-kwan and Lee Ka-sing. It presents a dialogue between poem and images and was an installation-based continuum in Leung and Lee's "Foodscape" project. "The Language of Fruits and Vegetables" takes the form of an artist book, which consists of 'Green Salad' - a poem from Leung's "The Language of Fruits and Vegetables"' series, and 252 photographs from Lee's "dot hong kong" series. 500 exhibitions copies presented as an installation in the exhibition "Hong Kong Foodscape". held at the Hong Kong Heritage Museum in 2004.