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Art Print 限量藝術印刷品

Risograph print /  孔版油印
Sizes : A3 297x420mm

Wood grain metal frame / 木紋金屬框

Edition of 10 限量10版本

Signed by artist / 作者簽名

The demon / 魔鬼

  • 「阿卿正傳」系列出自《乒乓3》的插畫創作,取材自近年疑似帶有斯德哥爾摩症後群跡象的政治人物及事件,並混入王家衛電影的經典場面進行再創作。例如:卿姐密會李剛、Dream Bear在便利店收集過期大包等待阿爺回來、被愛國的李生及愛國的葉太相遇。


    "Days of Emily" series is extracted from the independent comic collection Ping Pong 3. Inspired by the politicians who seemed to have got the Stockholm Syndrome and betrayals from the government, the artist re-created using famous scenes and lines from Wong Kar Wai’s movies.

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